SVEDBERG Revision History
Version 7.1.6 (dated 12/08/2024)
Improved accuracy of fitting function derivative calculation, which improves
Changed default Convergence Limit from 1% to 0.2% to help ensure full
convergence during bootstrap or Monte Carlo procedures
After running bootstrap or Monte Carlo, on the 2-parameter cross-correlation
graphs it is now possible to designate individual data points as outliers by
clicking on the bad point with the mouse
After running bootstrap or Monte Carlo, on the graphs dialog there is now a
third graph type, a graph of the rms residual from each fitting round. This
graph is intended to help identify fitting rounds with bad fits (for example
where the fitting algorithm got stuck in a local minimum), and such 'outlier'
fitting rounds can be marked by clicking on that graph with the mouse.
bug fixes:
Fixed problem with identifying lower half-peaks only 1 data point wide during
SEDFIT c(s) import
Fixed problem with integrating lower half-peaks during SEDFIT c(s) import
Fixed un-trapped error when moving from the fitting model page to the review
fitting parameters page after the number of species was reduced
Fixed problem where parameter names in the right column of the review fitting
parameters page were sometimes partially hidden
Version 7.1.5 (development version, not released)
Version 7.1.4 (dated 10/22/2024)
Fixed problem where sometimes on the Fit Results page the confidence interval
was not displayed with enough digits to really show the range. The logic
now ensures that the difference between the lower and upper confidence limit is
at least 60 least-significant digits.
The cross-correlation plots from confidence interval evaluation via the
Monte Carlo or Bootstrap methods will now also display the correlation
coefficient for the displayed data points.
Version 7.1.3 (dated 07/21/2024)
Fixed problem where sometimes on the Set/Alter Fitting Parameters page the
parameter labels, value text boxes, and Fit check boxes were not being
positioned correctly on the page, and consequently some of these controls were
not visible
Fixed problem where after using the 'Import from SEDFIT c(s)' command the
correct number of species was not being displayed above the graph shown on the
Perform Least-Squares Fit page
Version 7.1.2 (dated 07/08/2022)
Fixed problem with loading SEDFIT .list files. (Note that the program now
assumes that the data files in the list are located in the same folder where the
.list file is located, ignoring the folder name contained within the .list
Fixed problem with analysis page sizing which allowed parts of the Log page to
show through
Fixed problem with the installer where the proper icons were not being assigned
to the program entries on the Start menu
Version 7.1.1 (dated 10/29/2019)
Maintenance release to update program with newer compiler and newer (and more
secure) version of the Windows .NET framework. This change means that SVEDBERG will
no longer run under Windows 98 or Windows ME. The Help file was also updated.
After a fit is completed a new 'Residual Histogram & H-Score' graph is available
on the 'Graph Fit Results' page. This graph, and the H-score value, provide an
additional test of the quality of the fit.
Version 7.1.0 (dated 07/18/2019) - withdrawn due to installation issues
Version 7.0.7 (dated 12/31/2017)
When loading raw data using a SEDFIT list file the program now ignores the
folder name stored in the list file, and assumes the scan files can be found in
the same folder where the list file exists. This allows the raw data files to be
moved to a different folder from where they were located when they were analyzed
using SEDFIT.
bug fixes:
 | fixed problems with fitting synthetic boundary data |
 | fixed bug causing Claverie simulations of fluorescence scans to be written
out with a .RA1 file extention |
Version 7.0.6 (dated 4/24/2016)
bug fixes:
 | fixed problems with fit convergence due to a bug in calculating the
parameter increments |
Version 7.0.5 (dated 10/7/2014)
bug fixes:
 | fixed bug in the bootstrap routine causing incorrect computation of the
parameter standard deviations and therefore the confidence intervals (this bug
was only relevant when the 'computed standard deviation of parameter
distribution' option was selected rather than 'observed parameter
frequencies') |
Version 7.0.4 (dated 08/27/2014)
bug fixes:
 | fixed bug in parameter precision testing for species concentrations
causing fitting to terminate early (before the true minimum was reached) |
 | fixed bug in the graph scaling dialog (after double-clicking on an axis)
where the graph did not refresh with the desired the new scaling |
Version 7.0.3 (dated 09/05/2013)
registration is no longer required
axis scaling and tick mark intervals can now be customized by clicking directly
on the corresponding axis
adding graphs to log was not marking analysis window as needing to be saved
bug fixes:
the last folder used for loading data was not being saved
fixed bug when writing out converted intensity scans
fixed bug causing errors in bootstrap and Monte Carlo routines
when absorbance intensity data are converted to true absorbance or
pseudo-absorbance during loading the file names are correctly shown with the .ra_
extension rather than .ri_
Version 7.0.2 (dated 04/15/2012)
bug fixes:
fixed problem with memory allocation causing false 'out of memory' errors
F1 key was not bringing up context-sensitive Help
fixed problem with fit report formatting when using non-English regional number
formatting settings
importing a c(s) distribution was not turning off delta-c mode if
that was previously turned on
after switching to delta-c mode, if a fitted TIN had previously been
computed it was still shown on the graphs
the sloping plateau parameter was incorrectly available as a fitting parameter
for interference and fluorescence scans
line residual plots were displaying legends when legends should be off by
when RIN is used the fit report now correctly shows RIN values for each scan (or
the sum of RIN + jitter when both are used)
Version 7.0.1 (dated 03/20/2012)
bug fixes:
 | fixed problems with installation and registration |
Version 7.0.0 (dated 3/18/12)
first release of major update with new user interface, new fitting function,
and other major improvements
Version 6.39 (dated 01/06/2001)
(zero bugs reported for this version over 11
 | it is now possible to return to the coarse meniscus setting graph from
within the fine setting procedure |
 | Claverie simulations of absorbance scans now default to 601 radial points
to better match the typical number of points actually taken when using the
default 0.003 cm nominal spacing |
 | improved detection of fit convergence |
bug fixes:
 | fixed problem with turning off one (but not all) constraints |
 | fixed display problem with confidence level dialog box |
 | fixed problem that user-supplied Comment lines for Claverie simulations
were being written to the disk files but not stored in internal memory |
 | fixed minor problems in calculating derivatives when fitting to mass
rather than D |
Version 6.38 (dated 07/15/2000)
 | improved accuracy for graphical setting of meniscus |
bug fixes:
 | fixed intermittent bugs in fringe shift correction after turning
y-matching on and off |
 | fixed fringe shift bug in graph of all scans when some scans that had been
loaded were marked for exclusion |
 | fixed bug in restoring preferred default folder for saved fits |
Version 6.37 (dated 03/05/2000)
bug fixes:
 | fixed error in calculating temperature correction to vbar for use in
conversion to s20,w |
 | fixed failure to restore all parameters needed for s20,w
conversion when reading saved fits |
Version 6.36 (dated 02/26/2000)
bug fixes:
 | fixed bug in restoring fits saved with version 6.35 when conversion to s20,w
was active |
Version 6.35 (dated 02/06/2000)
 | ability to copy all parameters from the Calculate Mass or D form to the
Clipboard |
bug fixes:
 | fixed bug in conversion of raw D values to D20,w |
 | fixed bugs in the Calculate Mass or D form
 | solvent density was being replaced with that of water when conversion
to s20,w was active |
 | the user could still alter the temperature and density even when
conversion to s20,w was active |
 | the masses from the last fit were not being loaded properly when s/D
mass units were in use |
 | fixed minor formatting problems in fit reports |
 | fixed incorrect display of delta-c mode on certain graphs |
Version 6.34 (dated 12/19/99), maintenance release
bug fixes:
 | fixed error in reporting number of degrees of freedom for fits using
delta-c mode |
 | fixed error related to numeric formatting preferences |
Version 6.33 (dated 12/04/99), maintenance release
bug fixes:
 | fixed error upon loading defaults from the svedberg.ini file when the decimal
indicator is not '.' |
Version 6.32 (dated 11/26/99)
 | new Preferences items for setting default folders for scan files and saved
results |
 | the user preferences for the decimal indicator ( . versus , ), as
established by Windows® Control Panel settings, are now obeyed for user
input and program outputs |
 | the Claverie simulator can now create new folders for storing scans
created by the simulation |
bug fixes:
 | fixed bug causing minor errors in conversion to s20,w |
 | fixed bug in the Graph All Scans commands causing a crash when some loaded
scans were excluded from the analysis
 | thanks to Jack Correia for reporting this bug |
Version 6.31 (dated 10/09/99), maintenance release
bug fixes:
 | fixed problems with conversion from raw s to s20,w
 | manually-entered values of vbar at 20 C were not being
displayed when the dialog box was redisplayed |
 | saved fit files did not contain all the information
needed to perform the conversion upon reloading |
 | fixed problem giving occasional (0,0) points on graphs during the 'Set Fit
Range (all sets same radii)' procedure in delta-c mode, causing poor
graph scaling |
 | altered logic defining convergence to take care of occasional failures to
detect that convergence has occurred |
 | the Help file was updated |
Version 6.30 (dated 9/23/99), free upgrade release
 | sedimentation coefficients can now automatically be converted to s20,w
values (same algorithms as SEDNTERP) |
 | a new graph is available for interference data overlaying all the scans
after adjustment for integer fringe shifts and Y matching |
 | a new dialog box simplifies meniscus setting |
 | the meniscus position and Y matching settings can be retained when you add
or remove scans from the same experiment by selecting a 'Retain Meniscus
Setting' check box on the Data Included in Fit form
 | if data for fitting were loaded with the 'all scans same radii'
procedure, new data will automatically be loaded with the same range |
 | edit buttons have been added to the Data Included in Fit form to simplify
editing of the scan files |
 | the graph displayed during the Set Fit Range (all scans same radii)
procedure is now corrected for integer fringe shifts and Y matching |
 | Y matching is now turned off with a separate menu entry, allowing quicker
alterations of the matching regions |
 | it is now possible to copy and paste large amounts of graph data as text
directly to/from the Clipboard; i.e. the 'Copy graph data to Clipboard'
command will work even for graphs with tens of thousands of data points,
without having to write the ASCII data to disk when the text exceeds 32
Kbytes as required in the past |
 | the Help file has been updated to reflect these changes and reorganized to
group together tutorials and FAQs on the Contents page |
bug fixes:
 | fixed bug arising if the Files Included in Fit form was closed using the
control box instead of the OK or CANCEL buttons |
 | added ability to exit Claverie simulation form without performing a simulation
using the Cancel button |
 | fit results are now cleared if you change vbar, solvent density, or other values that
units conversions |
 | fixed bug causing a crash when graphs are displayed if you had maximized
the main program window (maximizing is now disabled) |
 | the menu status is now properly updated when the program is started by
double-clicking on a .fit file |
 | a work-around has been implemented for a Windows NT-specific error after
saving .fit files |
Version 6.23 (dated 04/17/99), maintenance release
 | fixed an error at the conclusion of the "Set Fit Range (all data sets)"
procedure arising for interference scans if the "Match Y Values Over a
Region" option was not invoked (which normally only is true for simulated
data) |
Version 6.22 (dated 04/09/99), maintenance release
 | fixed a problem in printed reports with printing the D or M
values corresponding to the best fit M or D parameters (values
for the second and higher species were incorrect) |
 | the installation program no longer creates icons in the main program group
if you answer "No" to creating a folder |
Version 6.21 (dated 03/27/99)
 | there is now a default value for the outer radius of the region to be included
in the fit, so that data beyond the base of the cell and/or the region
where solutes are accumulating at the cell base can be automatically excluded |
 | there is now a default that determines whether the initial guess for the
region to be used in vertically aligning interference scans will be to
the left of the meniscus (air-air space) or to the right of the meniscus |
bug fixes:
 | fixed a problem with the correction for integer fringe jumps when a Y matching
region was used and the scans in the matching region differed by integer
fringe jumps |
 | fixed a problem that left the cursor in the hourglass shape after setting
a Y matching region |
Version 6.20 (dated 03/07/99), free upgrade release
 | saved fits (*.fit files) are now associated by Windows® with the program
so they can be restored by double-clicking on the file name |
 | printed reports now include the best-fit diffusion coefficient(s) when
M is being used as a fitting parameter, or the apparent M
values when D is being used as a fitting parameter |
 | the molecular mass calculator form will now calculate D values when
s and M are known |
 | a new option is available for certain graphs to convert the X axis from
radius to sedimentation coefficient
this can be helpful in obtaining starting values for sedimentation
coefficients and in interpreting residual plots |
 | the setting of radial ranges of data to be included in the fit was simplified
in the 'Set Fit Range (all sets same radii)' command, rather
than asking you to specify a data set, the program now automatically displays
the first, middle, and last scans |
when fitting data in the delta-c mode the delta-c
data are automatically displayed |
 | the setting of regions for vertically aligning interference scans was simplified
in the 'Match Y Values Over a Region' command, rather than
asking you to specify a data set, the program now automatically displays
the first, middle, and last scans, making it easier to identify regions
near the meniscus where solutes have been cleared |
 | new keyboard shortcuts CTRL-F, which starts fitting, and CTRL-R, which
displays the results of the last fit, were added |
 | a Printer Setup command was added to the File menu for easier selection
of the printer to be used for fit reports and graphs |
 | a new program default can optionally reduce the size of the graphs window
to leave room for the Windows® 95/98 Taskbar. |
 | the Help file was updated to reflect these enhancements, to add additional
clarifications and usage tips, and to make it possible to search for those
pages containing usage tips |
bug fixes:
 | the Help file now works properly under Windows® 3.1 as well as Windows®
95/98 (sorry, my Help compiler was not working properly) |
 | changing the fitting model now clears the Results page for the last fit
if that page was being displayed |
 | changing the molecular weight units now clears the Results page for the
last fit if that page was being displayed and M was being fitted
rather than D |
 | the main program menus are now disabled during fitting to prevent selection
of inappropriate commands while a fit is in progress |
 | a test was added when restoring fits from the recent files list to be sure
the file actually still exists in that location before attempting to load
it |
 | a bug in Species graphs when the slope correction parameter was used was
fixed |
 | the 'Match Y Values Over a Region' command is now not available until after
the meniscus has been set |
 | on the graphs page, when an axis is autoscaled the Axis Options dialog
box now grays out entries which will be set automatically |
Version 6.13 (dated 1/23/99)
 | decreased minimum calculation increment in Claverie routine from 0.1 to
0.01 sec (times < .1 s may be needed for highly accurate simulations
of very rapidly moving boundaries, but this will be slow) |
 | when saving or restoring fits the previous file name is cleared and all
saved fits (*.fit files) in the current directory are listed |
bug fixes:
 | corrected bug causing overflow error during calculations of confidence
intervals for fits with more than 32K data points
thanks to Dana Wang at UConn for finding this one |
 | corrected bug in Claverie form causing incorrect display of progress bar |
Version 6.12 (dated 1/10/1999)
 | when setting the range of data to be fitted, the HOME and END keys now
move the highlight bar all the way to the left or right, respectively;
the 'large steps' obtained with the CTRL key are now larger when working
with interference scans to obtain more rapid movement |
 | the ability to set the Delta-c mode as the program default was added |
 | slightly improved computational speed |
 | further clarifications about setting the meniscus and matching regions
were added to the Help file |
bug fixes:
 | sequence loads of scan files can now be aborted with the ESCAPE key (helpful
if you forget to set 'Stop After x Files') |
 | a computational problem that occurred only for the modified Fujita-MacCosham
function and only for very high molecular weight species (>~2 Meg) was
corrected |
Version 6.11 (dated 1/4/1999), maintenance release
 | the recently-used files list sometimes contained duplicate entries |
 | the "spin-button" on the Fitting Model form, which can be used to change
the number of species, always started from 1 rather than the current number
of species. |
Original release, version 6.1, dated 11/16/1998